Migration and Vulnerability: Challenges, Implications and Difficulties Faced by the Sahrawi Migrant Population


  • María López Belloso University of Deusto




Transnational communities, citizenship, vulnerability, Sahrawi migrants


This article analyses transnational communities through the case study of the Sahrawi migrant community in Spain. After reviewing the most important theoretical contributions on transnational migration and determining the characteristics of these communities, this article will examine potential difficulties that derive from regulations and from the process of acquiring citizenship, which in turn affect the inclusion of this group of migrants within the host society. The article studies whether these regulations and processes may become determinants of this group’s vulnerability, and provides the main conclusions deriving from the challenges that this community faces.


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How to Cite

Migration and Vulnerability: Challenges, Implications and Difficulties Faced by the Sahrawi Migrant Population. (2016). The Age of Human Rights Journal, 7, 29-49. https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.n7.8