The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Creation of a Sense of Belonging among Young Norwegian Turks: Boundary Making and Crossing


  • Karolina Nikielska-Sekula MiReKoc, Koc University, Turkey and IKH, University College of Southeast Norway



Belonging, Cultural Heritage, Turkey, Norway, Alevi, Sunni


This paper discusses the importance that cultural heritage has for Norwegians of Turkish decent when it comes to negotiating both their belonging and the concept of home. The role of heritage in making and crossing the boundaries of ethnicity is also discussed here. I argue that Norwegian Turks have developed a multi-layered sense of belonging based on the identification with groups and places located both in Turkey and in Norway. They participate in Norwegian society while identifying themselves as Turks and negotiations of cultural heritage contribute to the preservation of consistent image of themselves as they adopt common Norwegian lifestyles.


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How to Cite

Nikielska-Sekula, K. (2016). The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Creation of a Sense of Belonging among Young Norwegian Turks: Boundary Making and Crossing. The Age of Human Rights Journal, (7), 96–119.