The Impact of Water in the Metropolization of Mexico City: The Case of Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico, 1890-1990


  • Rebeca López-Mora Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Urban water, Urban growth, Social metabolism, Metropolization, Metabolic transition.


This paper presents the case of the municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez, State of Mexico, which was incorporated into the metropolitan area of the city of Mexico in the mid-20th century. This process --known as metropolization or urbanization and that arose during the so-called era of stabilizing development-- is examined with the methodology of social metabolism in order to highlight what is viewed as the municipality’s transition from an agro-ecological system to one characterized by an industrial metabolism. The metabolic changes caused a transformation in traditional sources of water sustenance (water from the Rio Hondo), which proved insufficient to meet the urban-industrial demand. Urban growth brought an unusual population increase, and hence the demand for water could not be met in an egalitarian way. The extraction of groundwater and the importation of water resources through the Cutzamala and Lerma systems expanded the volume that came to the municipality, but policy measures did not avert the illegal occupation of land, which prevented the laying of networks and the efficient collection of utility service fees. This is another case in which unbridled, unplanned urbanization caused serious social shortcomings with respect to the supply and distribution of water.


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How to Cite

López-Mora, R. (2016). The Impact of Water in the Metropolization of Mexico City: The Case of Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico, 1890-1990. Agua Y Territorio / Water and Landscape, (7), 125–138.