Political Belonging and Fantasies of Inclusion. Romanians in London and Paris


  • Claudia Paraschivescu University of Leeds




Inclusion, Exclusion, Political Belonging, Romanian Migrants


This article analyses from a bottom-up perspective Romanians’ complex emotions surrounding their reasoning for applying for a French or British passport. It illustrates the extent to which interviewees’ fantasies of inclusion in the host countries are thought to be dependent on the political membership of the country of residence. It is argued that British/French naturalisation is perceived as a status enhancer, allowing the interviewees to overcome the marginalisation associated with their Romanian nationality.


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How to Cite

Political Belonging and Fantasies of Inclusion. Romanians in London and Paris. (2016). The Age of Human Rights Journal, 7, 120-140. https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.n7.7