Reasonable Accommodation Based on Religious Beliefs or Practices. A Comparative Perspective between the American, Canadian and European Approaches


  • Oscar Pérez de la Fuente Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



cultural diversity, religious beliefs and practices, reasonable accommodation, undue hardship


In certain situations, religious minority members ask for an exception to general rules because they could be discriminatory for this collective. These exceptions are called reasonable accomodations and have been recognised in different legal systems, but always conditioned not to the presence of certain circumstances (costs, safety, third-party rights, etc.). In this article, the regulations and case law on reasonable accommodation in Canada, United States and Europe are analysed.


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How to Cite

Reasonable Accommodation Based on Religious Beliefs or Practices. A Comparative Perspective between the American, Canadian and European Approaches. (2018). The Age of Human Rights Journal, 10, 85-118.