Tools, Gaps and False Myths in Comparative Legal Research on Human Rights
methodology, comparative analysis, legal comparison, human rights, critical function, SWOTAbstract
In recent years, the comparative perspective has become increasingly used as a methodological approach to human rights research in the scientific literature. This paper is not intended to summarise the virtues and shortcomings that can be attributed to comparative legal research in the specific field of human rights. Rather, its aim is to critically reconsider its interdisciplinary role and, in particular, to reflect on two of the most popular methods in this field of research: legal comparison and the case study method. Firstly, this paper reviews the method in question, including its typologies and grounds for use. Secondly, it outlines the techniques that determine what and how to compare. Finally, a SWOT evaluation of comparative legal research on human rights is provided, identifying its strengths and weaknesses in order to dispel false myths.
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