Human Rights beyond Dichotomy between Cultural Universalism and Relativism


  • Edna Raquel Hogemann Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro



human rights, universality, multiculturalism, cultural relativism


The consolidation of relations of global society requires the progressive establishment of a global legal system, consisting of a system of rules - precisely, human rights - as the source and evaluation criteria of positive national rights. This essay aims to contribute to some extent using reflective dialectical methodology, establishing logical- argumentative criteria, based on the dialogue between authors to exercise a critical reflection of the official narrative on the universality of human rights, in addition overcoming the universalism/relativism dichotomy eurocentricaly established by a theory of human rights between universalism and cultural relativism.


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How to Cite

Hogemann, E. R. . (2020). Human Rights beyond Dichotomy between Cultural Universalism and Relativism. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 14, 19-36.