Emergence of Knowledge Commons, Risks, and Relevance for the Human-Rights Framework


  • David Vila Viñas University of Zaragoza




commons, knowledge commons, institutions, human rights, ESCR, effectiveness


The study of common-pool resources (CPRs) has become increasingly important in social sciences. CPRs emphasize a more inclusive use and an institutional and normative community-based approach. However, this approach is exposed to access, sustainability, and democracy risks. This paper shows the interest that the rationality of the institutions for the commons can have for the legal sphere and, particularly, for human rights. Both are characterized by powerful democratic legislation and share concern for meeting the needs of the subjects involved and for the effectiveness of their contents and guarantees.


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How to Cite

Vila Viñas, D. (2020). Emergence of Knowledge Commons, Risks, and Relevance for the Human-Rights Framework. The Age of Human Rights Journal, (15), 186–202. https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.v15.5779

