Questions on Theory of Law in International Human Rights Law


  • Carlos R. Fernández Liesa Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



International human rights, Theory of law, Unity of international law, International Courts, Justice in International law, Legality and legitimacy, Effectiveness, Sustaintability of international human rights


The objective of this paper is to examine some specific question on the theory of law in international human rights law. International human rights law has played an important role in the evolution of International law. There are different ways of approaching and understanding International law, different schools and certain central theoretical questions. This paper tackles theoretical questions within international law in the light of International law of human rights, such as the questions of hierarchy, unity, coherence, structure, time, power, justice and legitimacy. Furthermore, analyse theoretical horizons, like the question evolution/revolution, progression/regression, justiciability, sustainability and efficacity.


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How to Cite

Questions on Theory of Law in International Human Rights Law. (2020). The Age of Human Rights Journal, 15, 1-25.