EU migration policy and migrant human rights: the protection and negation of life at EU borders


  • Daniela Lo Coco



Italian theory, immunitas, human rights, EU, migration policy, biopolitics, externalisation


This article addresses the contradiction between the generalised use of human rights’ protection within EU migration policy and the production of deaths at borders. Through an analysis of the EU’s migration policy, this article suggests using Esposito’s concept of immunitas to bridge inherentcontradictions. Protection of life and the production of death are constitutive mechanisms of Western modern politics. This argument implies thathuman rights and the protection of life metaphorically legitimise the EU’s control of migration from third countries, while blurring the underpinning logics of government, coloniality and racism. The article concludes that protection and the negation of (certain) lives are intrinsic to the EU’s migration policy.


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How to Cite

Lo Coco, D. (2021). EU migration policy and migrant human rights: the protection and negation of life at EU borders. The Age of Human Rights Journal, (16), 54–80.

