Enforced Disappearance in Peru: A Step towards a National Policy to Search for Disappeared Persons
KEY WORDS: Crime Against Humanity – Search for Disappeared Persons – Humanitarian approach – Peru – Internal Armed Conflict.Abstract
This paper aims to explore, firstly, what impact enforced disappearance -committed during the internal armed conflict which occurred between 1980 and 2000 in Peru - had on victims’ family members. Secondly, measures taken by the Peruvian State for the search, exhumation, identification and restitution of the remains of disappeared persons will be examined. Thanks to the analysis of 8 qualitative interviews with family members of disappeared persons and/or leaders of associations dedicated to supporting them, this paper will analyse the needs of family members of disappeared persons, which are still unmet and that constitute a future challenge for the Peruvian state.
Primary sources.
___ Interview with Adelina García Mendoza, wife of Zósimo Tenorio Prado who went disappeared in 1983 and was tortured at the Los Cabitos military barracks. She is the President of the National Association of Relatives of Kidnapped, Detained and Disappeared Persons (ANFASEP). The interview was conducted in Ayacucho (Peru) in 2018.
___ Interview with Gisela Ortiz Perea, sister of Luis Enrique who went disappeared in 1992 from La Cantuta University (Lima). She is the Director of Operations for the Peruvian Team of Forensic Anthropology (EPAF), a renowned human rights activist and a family member of victims of the ‘La Cantuta’ case. The interview was conducted in Lima (Peru) in 2018.
___ Interview with Janet Matta Villacrez, daughter of Oscar Hugo Matta Tello who was killed by Shining Path in 1988. She is the Director of the Human Rights Commission (COMISEDH). The interview was conducted in Ayacucho (Peru) in 2018.
___ Interview with Marly Anzualdo Castro, sister of Kenneth Ney who was disappeared by the members of the Army Intelligence Service (SIE) in 1993. The interview was conducted in Lima (Peru) in 2018.
___ Interview with Nelly Ramirez, an employee of the Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Peru (APRODEH). The interview was conducted in Ayacucho (Peru) in 2018.
___ Luyeva Yangali, daughter of Efrén Yangali who was disappeared in 1988 in the Department of Huancavelica together with his brother Rómulo Yangali and his cousin Fortunato Yangali by members of the National Police Force. She is the President of the National Association of Family Members of People Killed, Disappeared, Killed Extrajudicially, Displaced and Tortured (ANFADET - casos CIDH). The interview was conducted in Lima (Peru) in 2018.
___ Gonzalo Vereau, son of Lester Joaquin Vereau Luján, was kidnapped and tortured, and was disappeared on 21 July, 1983, together with five other people in Curgos (Department of La Libertad) by members of the police force. The interview was conducted in Trujillo (Peru).
___ Javier Tineo Vargas, son of Javier Tineo de la Cruz, kidnapped and disappeared on 1 May, 1987, in Cochapata (Department of Ayacucho) by agents of the Peruvian Army. He is the President of the Regional Coordinating Committee of Those Affected by Political Violence (CORAVIP - Ayacucho). The interview was conducted in Ayacucho (Peru).
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