What Is at Stake in the Recognition of Non-Normative Identities?


  • Blanca Rodríguez Ruiz Universidad de Sevilla




Sex-gender system, self-determination, trans, intersex, non-binary


The deconstruction of the binary sex-gender system that sustains modern western states demands the deconstruction of its dichotomies and their excluding effects on non-normative identities. This demands in turn that gender self-determination be recognised as a right. In Spain this right has been given constitutional status (STC 99/2019), yet it is currently not articulated in legislation. Proposals of a new legal framework have met with resistance and an ensuing need for compromise. Unless it grasps and upholds the full constitutional extent of the right to gender self-determination, however, legislation risks being born both unconstitutional and obsolete, out of pace with social demands.


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How to Cite

What Is at Stake in the Recognition of Non-Normative Identities?. (2022). The Age of Human Rights Journal, 18, 39-58. https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.v18.7021