Feminism and Pornography: From Mainstream Pornography (Hetero-Patriarchal) to Post-Porn (Non Binary)


  • Ana Valero Heredia Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha




Abolitionist feminism, Pro-Sex feminism, Mainstream pornography, Queer theory, Post-porn


Along with prostitution, and more recently surrogate motherhood, pornography has been a contentious issue within the feminist movement ever since the 1970s. Perceived by abolitionists as the prelude to rape, for pro-Sex feminists it represents an ideal vehicle for expressing desire for women and minority sexual identities, and has a considerable transformative capacity. The latter school of thought proposes a paradigm shift and has aligned itself with Queer Theory, which advocates a non-binary approach to sexual identities through Post-porn. This study critically analyses the main arguments put forward by feminism in the field of pornography: women's rights and the principle of no-harm.


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How to Cite

Valero Heredia, A. . (2022). Feminism and Pornography: From Mainstream Pornography (Hetero-Patriarchal) to Post-Porn (Non Binary). The Age of Human Rights Journal, (18), 221–238. https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.v18.7025



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