The SDGS and Human Rights Key Instruments in the Response and Recovery from the Pandemic
Pandemic, Human Rights, Sustainable Development Goals, challengesAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic is a valuable opportunity to draw a series of important lessons that may be key to turning the tide and laying the foundations to face the new and unprecedented challenges that humanity will face in the coming years. after analysing the differences between this crisis and the two previous ones experienced in the 21st century, a series of lessons that should be considered stand out. Next, the Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights are presented as key instruments to guide the construction of a new model that leaves no one behind and increases our resilience. Finally, it concludes by collecting a series of theoretical reflections that could be used as a methodology and possible content proposals in the design of a new model to face the challenges that the future holds, as well as the response to possible criticisms.
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