Progress and Challenges for the Recognition, Protection and Promotion of Indigenous Women’s Human Rights in the Inter-American System
indigenous women, worldview, Inter-American law, collective rights, individualized approach, honour and dignityAbstract
In this study, we begin by analysing the guiding legal principles and international standards that States must consider when developing laws, programs, and policies to protect indigenous women's human rights. Besides, we try to find out what priority issues States are trying to address. Once we establish the theoretical framework, we will review how, in practice, the Inter-American Commission and Court have examined some of the leading cases concerning the protection of the economic, social, and cultural rights of indigenous women. All this will lead us to understand the bases of indigenous women's worldview. Thus, we can propose the (de)construction of their legal status, which should suggest a necessary conquest of public spaces and conceive them as individuals, protecting their honour and recognizing their dignity.
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