The Persisting Menace of Child Marriage: An Account of Non-Legal Factors Contributing to Ineffectiveness of Legal Frameworks


  • Sanya Darakhshan Kishwar O.P. Jindal Global University



child marriage, forced marriage, armed conflict, child rights


Child marriage is an ever-persisting human rights issue that has been addressed multiple times. However, despite the existing international frameworks and theoretical deliberation, the practice still continues to thrive across the globe. This presents suitable ground for a review of the causes of child marriage. This paper reviews such causes in two parts, the first being a review of the existing international framework, followed by a review of factors that lead to child marriage. Additionally, the paper attempts at presenting recommendations to inhibit the causal factors.


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How to Cite

Darakhshan Kishwar, S. . (2022). The Persisting Menace of Child Marriage: An Account of Non-Legal Factors Contributing to Ineffectiveness of Legal Frameworks. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 19, 93-119.