Intersecting Visions of Justice: The Philosophical Tapestry of Human Rights and Human Nature in the Thoughts of Macintyre, Arendt, Nino, and Habermas




Human Rights, Ethical Constructivism, Iusnaturalism, Iuspositivism


This study explores the philosophical foundations of human rights concerning freedom, equality, and solidarity through the lenses of Iusnaturalism, Iuspositivism, and Ethical Constructivism, with a special focus on Alasdair MacIntyre, Hanna Arendt, Carlos Santiago Nino, and Jürgen Habermas. It examines MacIntyre’s revision of Iusnaturalism with an Aristotelian approach, Arendt’s methodological Iuspositivism highlighting legal frameworks, Nino’s rationality-based human rights theory, and Habermas’ emphasis on communicative action and social constructs. This research navigates the dynamic interplay of these theories, offering a multi-dimensional perspective on the evolution, validation, and application of human rights in contemporary society. Significantly, it introduces a dialectical perspective on rationality as a dynamic and evolving human attribute, addressing the constructivist necessities in defining human nature amidst prevailing uncertainties.

Author Biographies

  • Milton Arrieta-López, Oakton College, Illinois, USA

    Lecturer for the Passport Lecture Series (foreign relations and political issues from around the world) at Oakton College, Illinois, USA. Adjunct Professor and Researcher of the Department of Law and Political Sciences of the Universidad de la Costa. Ph.D. student in Social and Legal Sciences at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Master in Human Rights, Democracy, and Globalization from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Master in Business Management and Administration from Universidad Camilo José Cela. Specialist in Private Economic Law, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Lawyer by the Universidad del Norte. Categorized Associate Researcher by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Research of the Republic of Colombia.

  • Roberto Certain-Ruiz, Universidad de la Costa, Colombia.

    Master student in Law from Universidad del Norte.  Master student in Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges from the Universidat Oberta de Catalunya.  Specialist in Commercial Law from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.  Specialist in Labor Law and Social Security from Universidad del Norte.  Lawyer of the Universidad del Norte.  Director of the Legal Clinic and the Conciliation Center of the Universidad de la Costa (CUC).  ORCID: .  E-mail:


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How to Cite

Arrieta-López, M., & Certain-Ruiz, R. . (2024). Intersecting Visions of Justice: The Philosophical Tapestry of Human Rights and Human Nature in the Thoughts of Macintyre, Arendt, Nino, and Habermas. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 22, e8430.