General Data Protection Regulation, Right to Be Forgotten, Blockchain Technology and Human Rights
General Data Protection Regulation, right to be forgotten, blockchain technology, sustainable development goals, Human RightsAbstract
The aim of this paper is to offer some reflections on the role that new technologies can play in the field of human rights, and specially from the point of view of the general data protection regulation and blockchain technology. The European Union General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 has modified the regulatory framework in key aspects for human rights, such as the consent of the individuals affected by the processing of their data, the right to data portability, or the right to be forgotten.
In line with this approach, the first part of the study focuses especially on the regulation of the right to be forgotten and the rights to privacy and respect for privacy. In the second part of my study, the paper analyses the role that blockchain technology can play in guaranteeing and protecting human rights, as well as in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
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