Old Age as a “New Frontier” of (Spatial) Justice


  • Maria Giulia Bernardini Università degli Studi di Ferrara




old age, elderly, independent living, spatial justice, urban space, human rights


Due to ongoing demographic changes, old age is receiving increasing attention, to the extent that it is considered a “new frontier” of justice, with spatial justice being one of the more recent areas of interest within the legal sphere. The article aims to explore the relationships among the elderly, rights, and space, particularly concerning the urban dimension of the latter. The analysis is preceded by a brief account of the historical significance assumed by old age in philosophy and law, at the intersection of which legal philosophy is situated.


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How to Cite

Bernardini, M. G. (2024). Old Age as a “New Frontier” of (Spatial) Justice. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 23, e8997. https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.v23.8997