Future of integrated management "treated wastewater/peri-urban agriculture" in Tunisia. Case of the public irrigated perimeter (PIP) of Zaouia (Susa)


  • Abdelkarim Hamrita Universidad de Susa
  • Hichem Rejeb Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott Mariem




Integrated management, Treated wastewater, Peri-urban agriculture, PIP of Zaouia


Treated wastewater (TWW) was a resource and its use in arid and semi-arid countries is a topical question of an international level. The article addresses the integrated management process "treated wastewater / peri-urban agriculture" in Tunisia, and its environmental and social conflicts. The research is based on the combination of landscape assessment method, Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), and interviews with farmers in the public irrigated perimeter (PIP) of Zaouia, which allows the characterization of the landscape of the area of study and explain the perception of farmers, especially, about the use of treated wastewater and its interaction with other actors in the territory. The results will be a tool for making the decision and developing the commitment between treated wastewater and peri-urban agriculture.


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Author Biographies

  • Abdelkarim Hamrita, Universidad de Susa
    Unité de recherche "Horticulture Paysage Environnement"
  • Hichem Rejeb, Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott Mariem
    Unité de Recherche "Horticulture Paysage Environnement"


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How to Cite

Future of integrated management "treated wastewater/peri-urban agriculture" in Tunisia. Case of the public irrigated perimeter (PIP) of Zaouia (Susa). (2019). Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 13, 27-34. https://doi.org/10.17561/at.13.4115