Hydro-diplomacy and national sovereignty in the Guarani aquifer: failure of an attempt at transboundary management by divergent geopolitical interests?





Transboundary aquifer, Guarani, Hydrological management, geopolitics, national sovereignty


The Guarani Aquifer System is a body of groundwater shared by Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. It represents an important source of renewable drinking water. Economic development, population growth and exacerbation of pollution are putting pressure on the aquifer. In response to these problems, the four governments concerned have sought to develop an appropriate legal and institutional framework to ensure effective and sustainable management. The four parties signed the Guarani Aquifer Agreement on 2 August 2010. Nine years after the signing of the treaty, it has resulted in a simple legal skeleton, as it has not given rise to a real forum for cooperation. This article analyzes the institutional and legal tools available to the parties, as well as the geopolitical interests that have prevented the establishment of an integrated, sustainable and efficient management of the waters of the Guarani Aquifer System.


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Author Biography

  • Maureen Walschot, Université catholique de Louvain
    Soy investigadora en el Centro para Estudios Internacionales de Crisis y Conflictos (CECRI) y asistente en el marco de relaciones internacionales en la Universidad Católica de Louvain (UCL). También soy la coordinadora de UCL para la Red de Acción Humanitaria (NOHA). Trabaja en hidropolíticas transfronterizas, seguridad del agua y resolución de conflictos. Mi tesis doctoral se centra en el impacto de la desalinización en las interacciones hidráulicas.


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How to Cite

Hydro-diplomacy and national sovereignty in the Guarani aquifer: failure of an attempt at transboundary management by divergent geopolitical interests?. (2020). Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 15, 21-34. https://doi.org/10.17561/at.15.4627