The Post-Postmodern Turn: Challenging the Application of Kuhn's Model



Thomas S. Kuhn, paradigm shift, postmodernism, Jürgen Habermas, unfinished project of modernity, post-postmodernism


The point of departure for this article is the much-debated death of postmodernism, heralded by influential experts on the subject such as Linda Hutcheon or Ihab Hassan at the beginning of the new millennium. Although the academic community as a whole has not agreed with this fact, there was an intense debate during the first years of the twenty-first century that was evidence of a change of attitude towards this cultural phase. With this in mind, the aim of this study is to provide a theoretical framework for the change in order to understand its nature. Analysing the theories developed by Thomas S. Kuhn on paradigm shifts in the field of science and applying them to the context of critical theory at the beginning of the millennium serves to challenge the very idea of postmodernism as a paradigm in the terms developed in Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions


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Author Biography

Jesús Bolaño Quintero, Universidad de Cádiz

Jesús Bolaño Quintero is a full-time lecturer at the University of Cadiz, where he read his PhD on Paul Auster and Dave Eggers and the post-postmodern paradigm shift in American literature. His research interests are centred on the role of transcendentalism in post-postmodern American literature and cinema.


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How to Cite

Bolaño Quintero, J. (2021). The Post-Postmodern Turn: Challenging the Application of Kuhn’s Model. The Grove - Working Papers on English Studies, 28, 27–46. Retrieved from