Critical review: From neglect to a new look: the construction of the National Policy of Integral Attention to Users of Alcohol and Other Drugs as a conquest of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. The case of Recife (PE)


  • Stefany De Barros Camargo Pontificia Universidade Católica de Goiás (Brasil)


Palabras clave:

social education, mental illness, drugs, social reform


This work is based on secondary sources such as the conquest of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. It is an exploratory study, with the objective of briefly examining the structuring and transformations of mental health policies in Brazil. On the other hand, it seeks to highlight fragments in the enunciation mechanisms that strengthen services aimed at caring for people in psychic suffering. In conclusion, the analysis shows that, in some people, society shows different behavior patterns and norms, and they react differently to the problem in question. And that mental illness is now considered a social degeneration. And in this sense, we emphasize the necessary care to the carriers of this disease, as well as the importance of a quality nursing care. And this aspect, is emphasized in some congresses and seminars held for a social education, mainly in the aspect of education and awareness of drug use. And reinforced the construction of the National Policy of Integral Attention to Users of Alcohol and Other Drugs as a conquest of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. The case of Recife (PE).


Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Critical review: From neglect to a new look: the construction of the National Policy of Integral Attention to Users of Alcohol and Other Drugs as a conquest of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. The case of Recife (PE). (2021). Revista Internacional De Apoyo a La inclusión, Logopedia, Sociedad Y Multiculturalidad, 7(1), 114-118.