Exploración del desempeño técnico-táctico de los porteros según el lugar del partido, la calidad del equipo y la nacionalidad en la Premier League inglesa
https://doi.org/10.17561/jump.n5.1Palabras clave:
Team sports, Performance analysis, Competition, Situational variables, Foreign playerResumen
This study aimed to examine the influence of match location, team quality and players’ nationality on technical and tactical performance indicators in elite goalkeepers. The sample was composed by 87 goalkeepers from the English Premier League during five seasons (from 2011/12 to 2015/16). Twenty-four variables were selected in order to characterize offensive, defensive and disciplinary goalkeeper’s behavior. Different non-parametric test (p<0.05) showed statistically significant differences in all the variables in terms of match location, excepting interceptions, fouls and unsuccesful short distributions. Moreover, statistically significant differences were also found amongst teams’ level in terms of successful passes, goals received inside the box and successful long distribution, both in national and foreign goalkeepers. Finally, only national players exhibit a significant increase in goals received outside-box (top level teams), saves inside-box (intermediate level teams) and unsuccessful long distribution regardless teams quality. The data provided in this study might help goalkeepers’ coaches to modulate the frequency and number of actions performed by goalkeepers during training sessions, and help managers to make decisions when signing goalkeepers according to their nationality.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Pedro Ruiz-Solano, Maite Gómez-López, Antonio Tessitore, Antonio García-de-Alcaraz, Miguel Ángel Gómez-Ruano
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.