Impact of a game-based learning proposal in physical education on cognitive engagement and level of enjoyment in preschoolers




Early Childhood Education, hybridization, board game, emotions, evaluation, game-based learning (GBL), gamification, Executive Functions


Different studies have shown that play and motor activities supply numerous benefits in the bio-psycho-social dimension of children. In this regard, physical exercise with cognitive involvement has been proven to be the most encouraging alternative to promote cognitive improvements in students. The aim of this study was to verify if a gamified motor play proposal with cognitive involvement had the necessary characteristics to generate improvements in cognitive abilities, specifically, sufficient cognitive engagement and enjoyment level. An exploratory design was used in the study, and 19 children (14 girls and 5 boys) aged 5 participated. A playful proposal was designed with Game-Based Learning along with some elements of Gamification through the Moving Ghost Blitz game. The degree of enjoyment and cognitive commitment were evaluated and the SWOT and CAME matrices were applied to evaluate the design of the educational proposal. The results showed that the level of cognitive engagement was high (M = 2.16) as well as the overall enjoyment level (M = 8.16). The SWOT and CAME results proved that the method and materials made up a strong motivational element for the students, favoring their involvement in the game. In conclusion, this work allowed to verify the validity of this task for use within interventions aimed at the physical-cognitive development of the student, as well as making a better adjustment of these to the child's abilities, improving teaching practice and obtaining higher-quality programs.


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Research Papers

How to Cite

Impact of a game-based learning proposal in physical education on cognitive engagement and level of enjoyment in preschoolers. (2023). JUMP, 7, 12-27.