Optimum Flexibility Profile in Young Soccer Players During their Sensitive Period of the Physical Development. ROM-SPORT Battery





range of motion, sport, training sensitive period, general motor abilities, childhood, adolescence


From a fundamental perspective, it is recommended to develop flexibility during the sensitive period in youth sports according to a longterm athlete development model. However, the flexibility profile of soccer players in their sensitive period has not been described yet. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the optimum profile of lower-limb muscle flexibility for under-10 soccer players. A total of 22 soccer players aged between 7 and 10 years old (age 8.9±0.9 years; weight 33.5±6.3 kg; height 136.4±6.7 cm; BMI: 14,3±22,8 kg/m2) voluntarily participated in this study. The flexibility of the major lower-limb muscles was evaluated by mean of 11 different maximum passive joint range of motion tests ROM-SPORT battery. For the establishment of the optimum flexibility profile the 80th percentile was calculated. The results established the optimum flexibility profile for these 22 soccer players in 21.8º for iliopsoas, 43.4º for piriformis, 35.0º for gastrocnemius, 39.8º for soleus, 37.4º for adductors, 62.4º for external hip rotation muscles, 67.2º for internal hip rotation muscles, 69.0º for monoarticular adductors, 80.0º for hamstrings, 145.8 º for quadriceps and 147.0º for gluteus maximus. The present study presents the first reference values for the optimum lower limb flexibility profile in under-10 soccer players. These values can be used as specific quantifiable aims in the training of flexibility during its sensitive period. 

Author Biography

  • Antonio Cejudo , Universidad de Murcia

    Departamento de Actividad Física y Deporte.
    Correo electrónico: antonio.cejudo@um.es
    Ver perfil en Google académico 


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Research Papers

How to Cite

Optimum Flexibility Profile in Young Soccer Players During their Sensitive Period of the Physical Development. ROM-SPORT Battery. (2020). JUMP, 2, 16–25. https://doi.org/10.17561/jump.n2.2

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