Legal aspects regarding prevention of food waste in Poland


  • Łukasz Mikołaj Sokołowski Doctor of Law; Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland


Palabras clave:

prevention of food waste, food security, food safety, ood sovereignty, circular economy


The subject of considerations in this article are Polish legal regulations on the prevention of food waste. Poland, in line with other Member States, adopted special legal instruments to solve this problem. The aim of this article is to try to assess these special national measures and, in particular, to answer the question whether they are sufficient.

Despite numerous reservations and a narrow normative scope, establishment of separate legal regulations in Poland deserves a positive assessment. They may be the beginning of a legislative path leading to the adoption of comprehensive solutions to prevent food waste in Poland. They should not be limited exclusively to the distribution stage and the products in the form of foodstuffs ready to be consumed. It is important that the future legislation takes into consideration the ‘broad understanding’ of food waste.


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Cómo citar

Mikołaj Sokołowski, Łukasz . (2020). Legal aspects regarding prevention of food waste in Poland. Revista Estudios Jurídicos. Segunda Época, 1(20), 462-472.