Reuse of Reclaimed Water: Estimating the Costs of Production and Utilization


  • Alberto del Villar-García Universidad de Alcalá



This paper has two main objectives. On the one hand, it analyses the costs of available reclaimed water and the associated production of goods and services. On the other hand, it seeks to determine the economic value of the activities sustained with these resources. It has been possible to analyze water treatment projects and related initiatives representing more than 20% of the total reused water in Spain, which has yielded estimates of the indicators of investment and operating costs, as well as an average production cost of about 1.10 €/m3. Indicators of productivity have estimated that the economic value of goods and services produced by reused waste water is about 2,165 million €/yr.


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How to Cite

Villar-García, A. del. (2016). Reuse of Reclaimed Water: Estimating the Costs of Production and Utilization. Agua Y Territorio / Water and Landscape, (8), 70–79.