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Author Guidelines

The journal Agua y Territorio / Water and Landscape (AYT / WAL) considers only original works that have not been previously published or are about to be published or evaluated. Manuscripts can preferably be sent in Spanish and English. Other languages ​​such as Portuguese, French and Italian are also accepted. Inclusive language should be used wherever possible. Authors are referred to the following UN guidance: They must be sent through the platform

The Editorial Board will study the different proposals presented by the Dossiers coordinators throughout the year. Proposals will be made in writing to:  In the proposal, the coordinator will indicate the topic in a maximum of 500 words. It must include the name of possible participants, institutional affiliation and a brief CV, as well as the title of their work. The proposal will be made in the languages of the journal (Spanish and English). Agua y Territorio / Water and Landscape (AYT / WAL) may launch the proposal in other languages once the dossier has been approved by the Editorial Board. Click here to obtain the rules for submitting a proposal for a Dossier.

The journal reminds the authors that the invention of results, the omission of data or their falsification, as well as the plagiarism that involves presenting as their own ideas, data or results created by others, is not allowed. The journal will take the appropriate steps to make public to the interested parties any case of plagiarism that may appear in the works received. The opinions and facts consigned in each article are the sole responsibility of their authors. The University of Jaén and the Permanent Seminar on Water, Territory and Environment are not responsible in any case for the credibility and authenticity of the works.

The author will receive a reasoned report of the decision of the Editorial Board, which will include the reasons for the acceptance, request for modification or rejection of the manuscript. In case of acceptance linked to the introduction of changes, the original reports of the evaluators will be sent to you, along with the recommendations of the Editorial Board.

The author must make the required modifications within a period of fifteen days. If the author does not meet this deadline, the publication of the article may be delayed due to the need to close the issue. The review of the manuscript entails the tacit consent to publish the article as the author forwards it. The original will be treated confidentially by the editorial staff of the journal until it is published.

Articles signed by several authors must include a statement signed by all of them certifying that they have contributed directly to the development of the intellectual content of the work, that they are responsible for it, approve it and agree that their name appears as the authors. A copy of this document scanned in PDF will be sent to the email  

Authors must provide, if necessary, access to the data on which their work is based in order to clarify whether it is valid or not once published.


In the journal there is the figure of the Author's Defender, carried out by a member of the Editorial Board. Any complaint will be sent via email, addressing the Author's Defender.

The journal does not return rejected works nor is it responsible for loss.

The section managers will inform of the receipt of the article and will appreciate the submission in a maximum of ten days. The evaluation process must finish within a maximum period of three months.

The author must indicate if he has had a source of funding for the research that has resulted in the work. In particular, the funding agencies and the codes of the projects within the framework of which the research has been carried out must be indicated. This data will be referenced in the published version of the article and in the metadata of the journal.

Articles that do not meet the editing standards will not be reviewed.

Guidelines for submission of manuscripts for the Dossier, Miscellaneous and Reviews sections. Click here to get a pdf document

  • The journal Agua y Territorio / Water and Landscape (AYT-WAL) has started to publish its articles in XML, HTML and PDF format, with the aim of increasing the dissemination of the published works. This implies that all content can be analyzed by search engines.
  • It is necessary to increase the process of control over the final document, to avoid conflicts with the computer languages that prevent the dissemination of the published works. Therefore, it is essential that it complies with the above-mentioned indications.
  • Manuscripts must be sent through the journal's manuscript submission platform available at
  • Only manuscripts that strictly adhere to the rules will be accepted. Any article that does not comply with these indications will be rejected and will not be sent for evaluation. Manuscript submissions must meet the following requirements:
  • It is required to complete all the information about the METADATA of the manuscript in the platform of the journal and in all the languages of the journal (Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Italian): title, abstract and keywords. DO NOT WRITE ALL THE TEXT IN CAPITAL LETTERS, only what the spelling rules establish.
  • You must access your profile and complete the requested information (ORCID, affiliation, etc.) in all the languages of the journal (Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Italian). DO NOT WRITE ALL THE TEXT IN CAPITAL LETTERS, only what the spelling rules establish.
  • A first Microsoft Word document must be submitted, including the title of the manuscript in all the languages covered by the journal (Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Italian), the name of the author(s), the academic affiliation (professional status and academic institution), the e-mail address, the ORCID ID and the postal address of all of them.
    • You must specify whether it is submitted for a specific Dossier (the title and coordinators of the Dossier must be included) or for the Miscellaneous or Reviews section.
    • The title of the manuscript must be brief, concrete and precise. When referring to a territory, you must specify the country.
    • If the document contains a subtitle, it must be separated from the previous one by two dots (:). The data of possible evaluators can be included: full name, professional status, academic institution and e-mail.
  • A second Microsoft Word document, which will include the full text of the article, preceded by the title in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Italian, the abstract in the five languages, with a maximum length of 150 words for each abstract. The abstract will indicate the objective of the article, sources, methodology, findings, limitations, assessment of originality, as well as conclusions. In addition, a maximum of five key words should be provided, also in the five languages. After the article, which is recommended to have the same structure used in the abstract, the Bibliography section will follow.
    • In order to guarantee anonymity in the evaluation process, this document should not include the name or names of the authors, as well as no mention of them (including footnotes).
    • In order to guarantee anonymity in the evaluation process, the computer file uploaded to the platform should not include the name(s) or surname(s) of the author(s). All that is required is a brief description of the title and the date of submission. For example: Agua_Chapala_México_03052020..
    • If the first language used is other than Spanish, this one it will be used in second place.
  • If the applicant is a doctoral candidate, he/she must include a certificate from his/her director(s), detailing the title of the thesis and the date on which the project was accepted. It should be sent to the following e-mail
  • The work must be sent in Microsoft Word. The manuscripts will have a maximum length of 9,000 words, including notes, tables, maps, appendices and bibliography. They must be written in Times New Roman font 12 in text and 10 in indented textual paragraphs and notes. Footnotes must be brief and cannot include tables or graphs. Each article must have a detailed bibliography, following the indications of these guidelines.
  • The pages should be numbered consecutively, as well as the notes, which should be placed at the foot of the page and in single spacing.
  • Acknowledgements, if any, as well as any reference to research projects, funding, grants, agreements or similar, must be included in a section before the bibliographic references and sources. In order not to reveal anonymity, this section will be inserted in the final version of the work.
  • Appendices or annexes may be added to the work itself and must be titled and numbered. If tables, maps, graphs, figures, etc. are included, they must be original and numbered correlatively at the top with the respective title. Below the tables, maps, graphs or figures, the documentary or bibliographic source with which they have been elaborated should be placed.
  • It is recommended that tables, maps, graphs and figures are of the best quality to avoid loss of detail or pixelation. They must be included in the text in order to know their approximate location. During the layout process, you may be asked for these elements in separate files with the figure number, title and brief caption or legend for identification with the respective sources, so we recommend that you keep them in a safe place. Electronic formats accepted are TIFF, EPS or PDF with embedded fonts. The minimum resolution will be 300 dpi and 8-bit of colour depth for grey images, and 1,200 dpi for single-bit images, in the size intended to be published.
  • Tables shall be numbered correlatively and should be done with the Microsoft Word table function.
  • Graphics will be made preferably with Microsoft Excel and should be inserted in the text in Standard format.
  • Maps should be inserted in Image format.
  • Any other element must be numbered correlatively under the denomination of Figures.
  • Maps, photographs and blueprints of special quality should be inserted in the text of the article, but they should also be kept in a separate file with the highest possible quality for better viewing in case it is necessary to send them to us at the time of layout. Special care must be taken not to include in the maps, graphs and figures neither the heading of the same nor the source from which they have been extracted for their elaboration, as both will be incorporated in the final layout of the article, and its inclusion in the image itself is not necessary.
  • The copyright of photographs and documents should be sent by the authors to the e-mail:
  • Footnotes will be numbered correlatively with the reference in superscript. They should be reduced to: author’s lastname/s, date of publication (in the case of several publications in the same year, the letters a, b, c... should be added to this date to avoid confusion) and then the volume or tome numbers, number and page(s) used, without including their initials (vol., no. or number, p./pp.).


García Toledo, 2004, 55-63.

García Toledo, 2012a, 25-30.

García Toledo, 2012b, 53.

  • If works by the same author are quoted in the same note, the author's last name will not be indicated again.


García Toledo, 2004, 55-63; 2012a, 25-30; 2012b, 53.

  • In the event that the work is signed by two or three authors, the surnames of all authors should be cited separated by a semicolon (;). Do not put "and", "and", "&", "et", "i", before the last author. Always use (;), which is a universal sign.


García Toledo; Pérez Toledo; López Moreno, 2004, 55-63.

Aguilar Rojas; López Ituarte; Iza, 2009, 23.

Wolf; Yoffe; Giordano, 2003, 30.

Tiran; Boutillier, 2015, 125.

Esposito; Bianchi, 2012, 30.

Pochapski; Castelo Branco Brito, 2020, 149.

  • In case the work is signed by four or more authors, the surnames of the first one are cited and the Latin locution "et al." is added, even though in the final bibliography all the authors of the work are cited.


Ávila Quijas et al., 2009, 63.

  • The references of different authors and works are separated with a dot.


Matés Barco, 2012, 50. Weyler, 1999, 21. Kenmain, 2000, 35.

  • The note number should precede the punctuation marks.


".../... to create a fine articulation between data and hypotheses, a more creative formulation of hypotheses than that found entangled in the data”1.

  • Documentary quotations should begin with the corresponding file or institution, section and bundle or file, type of document, place and date, but excluding unnecessary words (section, bundle, etc.), putting commas in between. Example: NHA, Overseas, 185, except in the first quotation of each Archive or Library, in which the full name will be developed, putting the initials in parentheses, without intermediate points. Example: National Historical Archive (hereinafter NHA). Do not add documentary and newspaper references cited in your article, since at the end of it you should only add the bibliographic references used.
  • Dates must be fully developed, both in the text and in the notes, according to the following format.

Example: Sevilla, 5 de abril de 1980.

  • The final bibliography will be limited to the cited/quoted works, which will be ordered alphabetically and with hanging indentation, each of them in the following order:
    • Book: authors’ last name in lower case and initials of each author, year of publication, title in italics, place and country (in brackets), publisher and DOI.
    • Journal: authors’ last name in lower case, initials of the name, year, title in quotes, name of the journal in italics, volume and number of the journal (in parentheses), pages and DOI.
    • Preferably, the author's full name should be cited. First names should not be reduced to initials to avoid confusion and ambiguity. Do not omit the second surnames of the authors of the works cited. Authors' middle initials (generally used by non-Spanish authors) should not be omitted either.
    • Authors must submit bibliographic references with their corresponding DOI, which must be in the format and be clickable. The word "DOI" should not be written in front of the url. Never put a full stop at the end of a DOI or URL, as this may cause the link not to work when clicked. To find out the DOI of an article, you can use the form provided for this purpose by CrossRef:

For example:

Alfaro-Rodríguez, Evelyn. 2017: “La Red Social del Abasto Urbano: Aguadores y fiadores en Zacatecas, México (siglo XIX)”. Agua y Territorio / Water and Landscape, 9, 11-21.

  • If several works by the same author are cited, a dash should not be used instead of the author's name. In addition, if the works of the same author also belong to the same year, they should be marked with letters (a, b...).
  • Do not include et al. in the bibliographical references. When there is more than one author, the names and surnames of all authors should be included in the final bibliography. Authors should be separated by a semicolon (;). The last author should also be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not put "and", "and", "&", "et", "e", "i" before the last author. Always use (;) which is a universal sign.
  • In the case of web pages, do not write "Retrieved from", "Internet", "Online", "Available at", etc. Also do not write "Retrieved on 99/99/999999".
  • In online first articles, the pages (pp.) do not have to be indicated. Some journals publish a provisional online version without pagination (online first), prior to the definitive version, which will be paginated, and in references and citations to these articles the pagination should not be given. For example, if the article is 9 pages long, do not put pp. 1-9. Instead, you should use "online first" and, if applicable, the article number assigned by the journal (e.g. e450678 or art. 453). If the definitive version has already been published, this should be cited with the year of publication.
  • Nor should the pages (pp.) be given for articles in continuous edition journals, as they are always paginated from 1 to n. It is not necessary to indicate pp. 1-n, as this is only used in journals that paginate the whole issue or volume. As in the previous case, instead of pp. the article number sometimes assigned by the journal (e.g. e450678 or art. 453) should be given, or no number at all. The vol. and no. are sufficient.



Aguilar Rojas, Grethel; Iza, Alejandro (Eds.). 2009: Gobernanza de aguas compartidas. Aspectos jurídicos e institucionales. San José (Costa Rica), UICN Oficina Regional de Mesoamérica.

Ávila Quijas, Aquiles Omar; Gómez Serrano, Jesús; Escobar Ohmstede, Antonio; Sánchez Rodríguez, Martín (Coords.). 2009: Negociaciones, acuerdos y conflictos en México, siglos XIX y XX. Agua y tierra. Zamora (México), El Colegio de Michoacán, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes.

García, Manuel Jesús. 2007a: Agua y Salud en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Madrid (España), Tecnos. Matés-Barco, Juan Manuel (Ed.). 2019: Empresas y empresarios en España. De mercaderes a industriales. Madrid (España), Pirámide.

Société Internationale Jean-Baptiste Say (Ed.) 2015: Et Jean-Baptiste Say…créa l’Entrepreneur. Bruxelles (Belgique), P.I.E. Peter Lang.

Urzúa Orozco, Aida; Hernández Zaragoza, Gilberto (Comps.). 1988: Jalisco, testimonio de sus gobernantes: 1882-1911. Tomo II. Guadalajara (México), Unidad Editorial del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco.

Book chapter or collective book:

Castro-Valdivia, Mariano. 2021: “The Influence of the Entrepreneur as a determining factor in the History of the Company”, in Vázquez-Fariñas, María; Ortúñez-Goicolea, Pedro Pablo; Castro-Valdivia, Mariano (Eds.), Companies and Entrepreneurs in the History of Spain. Centuries Long Evolution in Business since the 15th century. London (United Kingdom), Palgrave Macmillan, 1-16.

González, Pedro. 2006: “El abastecimiento urbano de agua en Andalucía”, en Pérez, José; González, Manuel (Coords.), Agua, territorio y patrimonio. Cáceres (España), Junta de Extremadura, 19-44.

Wolf, Aaron T. 1999: ““Water wars” and water reality: Conflict and Cooperation Along International Waterways”, in Lonergan, Stephen Colnon (Ed.), Environmental Change, Adaptation, and Security. Dordrecht (Netherlands), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 251-265.

Journal article (must include the doi):

Matés-Barco, Juan Manuel. 2013: “La conquista del agua en Europa: los modelos de gestión (siglos XIX y XX)”. Agua y Territorio / Water and Landscape,, 1, 21-29.

Razzolini, María Tereza Pepe; Gûnter, Wanda Maria Risso. 2008: “Impactos na Saúde das Deficiências de Acesso a Água”. Revista Saúde & Sociedade, 17(1), 21-32.

Wolf, Aaron T.; Yoffe, Shira B.; Giordano, Mark.2003: “International waters: identifying basins at risk”. Water policy, 5(1), 29-60.

Cini, Ricardo; Rosaneli, Caroline; Cunha, Thiago. 2018: “Soberania alimentar na interseção entre bioética e direitos humanos: uma revisão integrativa da literatura”. Revista Bioetica y Derecho, 42, 51-69.


Riquelme Salazar, Carolina. 2013: El derecho al uso privativo de las aguas en España y Chile. Un estudio de derecho comparado, tesis doctoral, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona (España).


Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (ALAI) 2014: Declaración de Suyul.


  • In the text, develop all the abbreviations used, except those widely used such as etc., km, ha...
  • The sections in the text will not be numbered, their statement will be in lower case, with double spaced. There will be no subsections.
  • Do not use bold type in the text. Italics will be used only in words of special interest in the content of each article or in another language.
  • Use the full stop (.) to denote the thousands and the decimal comma (,) for the decimal fractions.
  • Leave a space between the number and the percentage (58 %) and between the number and the digit (No. 58).
  • When quotes from the same work or works by the same author are repeated in the article, we refer to what has already been indicated. DO NOT use abbreviations such as Cit., Vid. or Cif. Idem, Ibidem...
  • It is convenient to use lowercase letters in the initials of positions (mayor, captain...), titles (count...), treatments (graduate...), leaving the use of capital letters for the cases of relevant institutions.
  • Bibliographic references should always be in notes and not in the text.
  • Clarifications between dashes should always —as in this example— be marked with a long dash.
  • Textual quotations should be avoided. If they are exceptionally included, they should be brief and single-spaced, Times New Roman 10 font size and indented.

For example:

Ante esa condición, el Ayuntamiento mostró su rechazo, argumentando que las aguas que abastecían a la ciudad no tenían precio y no se vendían por cuenta del municipio; sino que eran recogidas o extraídas y conducidas a las fuentes públicas, donde las tomaba todo el mundo: el pobre, el rico y el aguador, quien las repartía a domicilio y al cual no se le pagaba por el líquido, sino por su trabajo de acarreo. De tal manera opinaban que:


“Sería ilusorio el beneficio de surtir a la ciudad con 500,000 galones de agua potable, si el agua se hubiera de vender, si esa agua hubiere de ser en muchos casos, para el pobre, el suplicio de Tántalo; ver correr agua en abundancia, tener sed y no poderla saciar por la falta de un centavo con que comprarla. ¿Cómo exigir del pueblo el aseo y la higiene domiciliaria, sin los elementos necesarios para el objeto y de los que ahora dispone gratuitamente, se le habría de suministrar a costa de dinero?”1.


En Zacatecas, la venta de agua fue uno de los puntos que se topó con la reprobación del municipio, el cual rechazó todo contrato que fijara algún precio por el agua, pues se creía que cualquier iniciativa que fijara un costo por el líquido estaba en contra del progreso y las mejoras de la ciudad.


Review Guidelines


  • Reviews must be preceded by all the details of the book or work reviewed, following these criteria: author's surname in capital letters, name in small letters, year of publication, title in italics, place of publication, publisher, number of pages, ISBN.


FERREIRA, Francisco, 2005: Estado del agua en Costa Rica. México D.F. (México), Editorial Siglo XXI, 300 págs. ISBN 968-496-500-4.

  • They will have a maximum length of 1,500 words and will follow the general guidelines of the journal. The name of the author of the review will appear at the end, followed by his/her academic affiliation and e-mail address.
  • A critical review is understood as one that contextualizes the reviewed work, pointing out its relevance and the reasons that explain the publication of the review. The importance of the topic it addresses and the historiographical discussion in which it is inscribed must be indicated, also identifying the context in which the work in question appears, framing it in the author's career, within the framework of other existing publications on the subject and relating it to with the conceptual and methodological problems it addresses, as well as according to the sources used.
  • The reviews will be sent via
  • The review editor will evaluate whether the review it is appropriate to be published. To propose the review of a certain book, it should be sent by mail to the following postal address: Dr. Juan Manuel Matés-Barco. Departamento de Economía. Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. Universidad de Jaén. 23071 Jaén. España. A digital copy of the book can also be sent to the email


Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts in the Interviews/Case Reports section; Events/Projects and Opinion


The contributions will have a maximum of 5,000 words and will follow the rules of the rest of the sections. Exceptionally, longer contributions may be accepted.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • In case of receiving funds for the realization of the article, the financing agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) within the framework(s) of which( es) the research that has led to the publication has been developed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.