Using the flipped classroom model in teacher education – is turning the tables the way forward?
DOI: clave:
This paper presents a flipped classroom project carried out on the Primary Education degree in the University of Cadiz.
The initiative responded to the need to introduce a new way of working as students react with a higher level of interest and involvement to practical dynamics than to the traditional theory class.
Difficulty in maintaining their focus during a theory class, trying to assimilate the concepts at the same time as they take notes and losing the thread during the explanations because they work at a slower or faster rate than the rest of the group were some of the problems our students were facing. These students would benefit from working with the material before the class at home and at their own pace, freeing up class time for collaborative, practical activities to exemplify and expand the concepts.
We analyse the key aspects of this methodology, paying special attention to the advantages and difficulties we faced during its implementation.
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