Spanish terms in George Borrow's Caló. Loans and inventions in his translation of Saint Luka's Gospel


  • Lourdes Martín-Albo Huertas IES Avenida de los Toreros (Madrid)



dialectology, caló, George Borrow


This work presents a study on the Spanish terms used by George Borrow in one of the three versions of his translation of a fragment of St Luke’s Gospel into Caló, of a fragment of the Saints Luke’s Gospel, by means of a comparison with the solutions offered in the other two versions. This study offers a revealing overview of the lexical evolution of Borrow’s Caló, in which Spanish words seem to mix up with the inventions of terms or loans from other Romani dialects. All of this points to the current difficulty that we still face when studying Caló.


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Artículos sección Lexicología

How to Cite

Spanish terms in George Borrow’s Caló. Loans and inventions in his translation of Saint Luka’s Gospel. (2021). RILEX. Revista Sobre Investigaciones léxicas, 4(1), 149-182.