Reuse of Wastewater in Golf Courses


  • Armando Ortuño-Padilla Universidad de Alicante
  • Patricia Fernández-Aracil Universidad de Alicante



The dramatic numerical increase of golf courses in the last decades in eastern Spain, along with the growing concern about the sustainability of water resources, has sparked an intense debate about the relationship between golf courses and real estate development over the demand for water. Thus, this article will focus on the emerging types of housing complexes linked to golf as a starting point for analysis. Next, we will consider the application of reused water for irrigating golf courses by estimating the number of homes in the real estate development complex —approximately 2.000 to 3.000— required to keep the sporting field watered with treated effluent from those private residences. Finally, the article provides an overview of legislation related to reused water and the irrigation of golf courses.


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How to Cite

Ortuño-Padilla, A., & Fernández-Aracil, P. (2016). Reuse of Wastewater in Golf Courses. Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 8, 93-102.