Privatizing Water, Producing Water Subjects: The Politics of Scale in the Socio-Hydric Mobilization against Pascua Lama and HidroAysén in Chile
neoliberalism, mining, hydroelectric power, global corporations, water social movementAbstract
This essay studies the social responses to water privatization in Chile. Through the analysis of two case studies -HidroAysén and Pascua Lama- we address the problem of how these mega-projects have generated the socio-political conditions for the emergence of new water subjects who, in the process of being constituted as subjects, have shaped the contours of a new water social movement on a national level. We approach the emergence and development of the movement from the perspective of the politics of scale; we conclude that the agenda for change deployed by the new water subjects aims to transform the privatized water management model to another that depicts water as a common good, opening up new spaces to democratize and create more sustainable modes of water governance in the country.
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