The development of social and political conflicts in extractive activities and their influence on water management: Development approaches and position of the actors in the northern region of Cajamarca in Peru
Sustainable development, Social and political conflict, Extractivism, Conflicts in extractive activities, Water and miningAbstract
The article explores the social and political conflict, in a region of Peru, by the emergence of the extractive industry and how it impacts on water management. It seeks to understand the tensions and possible exits between the extractive industries and the water resource. For this, the discourses that legitimize the position of the different actors involved in the conflict and how these speeches are appropriate to justify the political strategies put in place by the community, the State, the company to assert their position on development are analyzed. And mining activity against each other. It is concluded that the opportunities for development and management of water resources will depend on the power and political management by the actors and not on the institutions that are supposed to regulate i
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