Drinking water tariff policy: vulnerability, regulation, and sustainability in the Colombian case
Drinking water, Climate change, Entropy, Sustainability, TariffsAbstract
Until four years ago, regulations of the drinking water consumption in Colombia did not consider climate change variables and national and international water-urban guidelines in its rate policy. In this sense, it is proposed to determine the scenario of the basic water consumption through a normative revision implemented to guarantee the supply, considering the six socioeconomic strata and classifying three types of cities according to the water endowment and geographic location. It was found, that the Bogotá city shows an initial increase of 58% for stratum 1, which can be considered as high, compared with Medellín and Cali cities (53% and 43%). Hence, changes presented in resolution CRA/750/2016, according to a new consumption of household public services of the Aqueduct, have a large impact on the economy of families, especially for strata 1, 2, and 3.
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