Regional geosystems of the Miranda Planning and Management Unit (UPG), Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Landscape Cartography, Territorial Planning, GeoprocessingAbstract
This study aims to present and analyze the dynamics of the landscape of Miranda Planning and Management Unit (UPG), in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil. The methodology employed was based on the concepts of natural areas, geosystems and landscape. The definition of geosystems was obtained from the crossing of thematic data that characterize Zonal and Azonal elements of the landscape layers, characterizing a bisectoral perspective. In its application, it was used data relative to the megageomorphological and climatobotanical compartmentalization. It was used "Spatial Language for Algebraic Geoprocessing" (LEGAL) available in SPRING 5.3. It was realized is matricial crossing between the variables, from which was obtained the delimitation of 27 Regional Geosystems. The results demonstrated the great landscape contrast in the Miranda UPG, which, due to their physical and geographical characteristics, present different support capacities for anthropic activities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lidiane Perbelin Rodrigues, Charlei Aparecido da Silva
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