The use of high resolution images in mapping of landscapes affected by erosion




UAV, geomorphological features, linear erosive features


The linear erosive features, can be understood as a result of this relation between natural and man-made elements. Thus, the aim is to analyze a landscape with erosion features from high resolution images recorded by a DJI MAVIC Pro UAV with a RGB CMOS sensor of 12.35M effective pixels. The results, show possibility of identifying degree of dynamism of erosive gullies sidewall as well as for an increase in detailing erosive systems linked to ravines. The similarity between the phenomena identified in field and those present in the image is also interesting and constitutes a factor that drastically reduces the onus over the reambulation steps. A few limitations were identified, such as the need for some field verifications to characterize topographic ruptures with water flow and limitations in the photointerpretation process, caused, for example, by obstruction in the field of view.


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Author Biographies

  • Estêvão Botura Stefanuto, São Paulo State University - UNESP

    PhD graduate at São Paulo State University (UNESP) and at Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGG) of Rio Claro

  • Cenira Maria Lupinacci, São Paulo State University (UNESP)

    Professor and researcher at Department of Geography and Environmental Planning at São Paulo State University (UNESP)


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How to Cite

Botura Stefanuto, E., & Lupinacci, C. M. (2023). The use of high resolution images in mapping of landscapes affected by erosion. Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 23, e7291.