Water and industrial development inagriculture in Málaga: the reservoir El Chorro and the Caminito del Rey
Hydroelectricity, Dam, Bridge, Industrial Tourism, GorgeAbstract
The arrival of the railway to Álora in 1865 opened up new perspectives for economic development, which continued from 1903 with the construction of reservoirs for the production of electricity, allowing the establishment of other factories. Engineer Rafael Benjumea built the El Chorro and Guadalteba waterfalls on both sides of the impressive Los Gaitanes gorge, and a narrow high-altitude walkway to connect them. Its restoration has opened up new tourist perspectives for this area based on the landscape and industrial tourism. Currently, the candidacy of the Caminito del Rey is being promoted to be included in the UNESCO world heritage list. To carry out this work, documentation from the Provincial Historical Archive of Malaga, specialized bibliography has been handled, and exhaustive field work has been carried out.
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