The Do pesticides and mycotoxins in water pose an exposure risk to humans?




Children, Contaminants, Daily intake, Water consumption


This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of pesticides and mycotoxins in water (e. g., drinking, well, tap and river water) published in the literature from 2008 to 2023 and to estimate the risks of exposure for humans to these contaminants through water consumption. An occurrence survey showed that maximum concentrations of pesticides and mycotoxins were 88732 and 19500 ng/L, respectively, in water. Exposure risk assessment estimated by daily intake (DI) of pesticides and mycotoxins showed that children, young people and adults, in descending order, are affected. Therefore, the younger the age group, the greater the exposure risk to contaminants when ingestion of water containing maximum concentrations was analyzed by the occurrence survey.


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How to Cite

Vilar Nogueira, W., Lima da Silva, J. ., Patrícia Pedrosa Braga, E. ., Kupski, L. ., & Garda-Buffon, J. . (2025). The Do pesticides and mycotoxins in water pose an exposure risk to humans?. Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 25, 283-296.