The use of surface Water in the Supply of Water to Cartagena (Spain) at the beginning of the 20th Century: the technological challengein the face of health risks
Water supply, Water companies, Cartagena, Water quality, Faecal contaminationAbstract
The water supply to Cartagena has been a challenge throughout history. From the end of the 19th century, different private companies tried to take advantage of the business opportunity, with The Carthagena Mining & Water C˚ Ltd. standing out among them all. One of the characteristics of the activity developed by the company was its ability to make the most of the water resources of an area with enormous climatic difficulties, adopting technological solutions that maximized the use of the existing water in the environment and which gave rise to a historical heritage of enormous interest. This imperative need to take advantage of the scarce water available, specifically the surface water that occasionally circulated in the area, was the origin of the biological contamination problems that were detected in the city’s water supply.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Francisco Javier Perez de la Cruz, Carolina Díaz García

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