Water, blessing and curse: its impact on hail insurance from its origins until 1990
Hail, Insurance, Agriculture, Spain, HistoryAbstract
This article analyzes hail insurance, one of the most specific financial and preventive instruments for dealing with climatic disasters. Rain is essential for the field, but there are times when it is not beneficial for the field but rather the opposite. Meteorological disasters such as hail cause precipitation with ice stones that fall with force causing significant destruction. The research in the Gaceta de Madrid (the old Boletin Oficial del Estado) explains the progress that had been made since the 19th century, where there were companies that effectively dealt with risk coverage, and its evolution up to the end of the 20th century. It is important to highlight both the work of the Administration and the savings banks that strongly supported this insurance and, by extension, the agricultural sector, without forgetting the work since 1954 of the public company Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Leonardo Roberto Caruana de las Cagigas, Julio Tascón Fernández

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