Hydro-Social Landscapes and Mining in Cajamarca, Peru: Environmental Monitoring as Political Tools


  • Cristina Yacoub Wageningen University
  • Jeroen Vos Wageningen University
  • Rutgerd Boelens University of Amsterdam and Wageningen




water, socio-environmental conflict, hydro-social landscape, mining


The present article evaluates how mining enterprises rely on monitoring as a political tool in socio-environmental conflict areas. It analyzes the case of a watershed affected by stripped gold mining operations in Cajamarca, Peru. The essay differentiates the different stages of the monitoring process to determine how it becomes a tool that promotes the legitimizing discourse of mining interests. On the other hand a critical examination of the environmental monitoring processes may support civic political actions that confront the entrenched power of the extractive enterprises.


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How to Cite

Hydro-Social Landscapes and Mining in Cajamarca, Peru: Environmental Monitoring as Political Tools. (2016). Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 7, 163-175. https://doi.org/10.17561/at.v0i7.2971