El cuento de Hamu el pícaro y la bruja en la tradición rifeña bereber de Laazzanen (Nador, Marruecos) (ATU 1563 + ATU 175 + ATU 327C) / The Tale of Hamu el pícaro y la bruja in the Riffian Berber Tradition of Laazzanen (Nador, Morocco) (ATU 1563 + ATU 175 + ATU 327C)



folk tales, orality, Berber, Rif, Morocco, trickster, Pedro de Urdemalas, witchcraft, cannibalism


We present the translation into Spanish and the comparative study of an oral tale, that of Hamu the trickster and the witch, which was registered by Abdelhak Konaydi in 2016. The narrator, from the town of Laazzanen, in the Beni-Ansar region (Nador), in Morocco, speaks in a variety of the Riffian language (Rif Berber) in the northeast of the country. The story features a trickster protagonist who defeats a cannibal witch. It shows parallelisms with the stories of Pedro Urdemalas or Pedro de Malasartes, who is the typical trickster in many Spanish folk tales. The story from the Riff is a sequence of the international narrative types ATU 1563, ATU 175 and ATU 327C. In addition, it contains a large number of migratory folkloric motifs.


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How to Cite

El cuento de Hamu el pícaro y la bruja en la tradición rifeña bereber de Laazzanen (Nador, Marruecos) (ATU 1563 + ATU 175 + ATU 327C) / The Tale of Hamu el pícaro y la bruja in the Riffian Berber Tradition of Laazzanen (Nador, Morocco) (ATU 1563 + ATU 175 + ATU 327C). (2018). Boletín De Literatura Oral, 8, 97-114. https://revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es/index.php/blo/article/view/3780