Coeducation in teacher training: a tool for the prevention of gender-based violence


  • Begoña Sánchez Torrejón Universidad de Cádiz



Initial teacher training, Pre-Primary education, coeducation, prevention of gender-baed violence, equal opportunity


Coeducation is a key tool in the prevention of gender-based violence, and therefore, it must be present in the initial training of Pre-Primary Education teachers as an inclusive element in equal opportunity among boys and girls. The present action research, carried out on students in the last year of Pre-Primary Education Degree at the University of Cádiz, aims to train the future teachers in coeducation to prevent gender-based violence and promote a non-sexist and discriminatory school. Using a participatory action research methodology, on the basis of an initial questionnaire which pointed out the urgent need for training in coeducation, a practical training was carried out that led to a very positive educational intervention in a Pre-Primary Education school through the resignification of sexist popular songs. This experience leads us, among other conclusions, to the fact that Pre-Primary Education teachers must have updated and innovative training in coeducation issues and know non-sexist materials such as songs for children and, thus, be able to build an equal school and an egalitarian society free from any gender-based violence


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How to Cite

Sánchez Torrejón, B. (2020). Coeducation in teacher training: a tool for the prevention of gender-based violence. AULA DE ENCUENTRO, 22(2), 127-147.