Perception of personal competitiveness. A study from the perspective of happiness, well-being and education in university graduates


  • Eduardo Ahumada Tello Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


Competitiveness is a subject of study that affects different aspects of the individual and of the organizations. The demand that the modern environment towards the acquisition of skills, abilities and capacities impels diverse studies on the satisfaction that is obtained when trying to fulfill all the requirements in the process of development. In this research, we try to find a relation between competitiveness and the variables of happiness, welfare and education to validate the existence or significant influence among them. For these effects a correlation analysis and quantitative structural equations were used in a case study with a sample of 106 university graduates. The main findings indicate that happiness is a perception that can be presented as independent of competitiveness. In contrast, welfare and education have a more significant relationship among respondents.


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How to Cite

Perception of personal competitiveness. A study from the perspective of happiness, well-being and education in university graduates. (2017). Revista De Estudios Empresariales. Second Era, 1.