Literature review of marketing in social media: background and the state of art


  • Miguel Ángel Sánchez Jiménez Universidad de Cádiz
  • María Teresa Fernández Alles Universidad de Cádiz
  • Juan José Mier-Terán Franco Universidad de Cádiz


Currently, a process of constant changes and deep transformations in the marketing discipline is being developed, contributing in a special way the new technologies that have forced companies to modify their marketing strategies to adapt them to a new way of acting with respect to the market. In this regard, the emergence of social media, which facilitate the creation, edition and exchange of content, and which will allow companies to interact more directly and interactively with users, is highlighted. Thus, companies are aware of having to address the customer in a different way. They must manage the interaction and conversation with consumers, producing feedback and interactivity, offering an adequate response to meet their needs. In this sense, the internet is considered a collaborative environment, in which companies and users meet and interact, and the consumer participates, sharing experience or opinions, directly influencing other users. For all these reasons, and due to the relevance of the subject, the objective of this work is to carry out a bibliographic review of the state of art on marketing in social media, thus establishing future lines of research.


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How to Cite

Literature review of marketing in social media: background and the state of art. (2018). Revista De Estudios Empresariales. Second Era, 1.