Identification of potential effects of tourist facilities on drainages in the Cuale-Pitillal river basin (coastal zone of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico)
Basins, Tourism, Negative effects, GIS, Coastal planningAbstract
This work aims to identify potential effects on natural drainage, taking as an example the mouth of the Cuale-Pitillal river basin in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
For this, the overlap of tourist works on the sections of natural currents was made using a Geographic Information System (GIS), a Digital Elevation Model and the review of publications of the anthropogenic interaction with watersheds.
Due to the interruption of natural drains, there has been a change in the spatial and landscape configuration of the basin, in addition, it is inferred that the study area may be causing negative effects related to waste water discharges and sedimentary deficit.
The spatial identification of these effects, can contribute to coastal planning to locate critical points of affectation to the functional integrity of the basin and potential risk areas to the population in the event of hurricanes or storms.
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