Disposition of the residents of Mezcala de la Asunción, México, to solve the problem of solid waste considering their biocultural narratives: a qualitative study from the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Narratives, Waste Management, Intention, Behavior, StrategyAbstract
This study explores how the behavioral intention of the residents of Mezcala de la Asunción is influenced by their biocultural context (culture and natural environment) to create strategic ideas and solutions to the problem of the accumulation, management and final disposal of waste. The methodological design was qualitative and interpretive, and it was guided by the application of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Each narrative segment was aligned to the definition of each of the variables that compose the TPB. The methods used were 11 individual interviews, 4 focus groups and 51 photographs. The results suggest that the residents of Mezcala still maintain a connection to their natural environment that strongly influenced as a positive moderator the three central variables of the TPB: attitude towards behaviour, subjective norm and perceived control. These results could increase villager’s bhavioral intention to participate in a collective strategy to reduce garbage in…
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