Variability of vegetation spectral indexs according to rainfal regime around the Itumbiara Hydrelétic Power Plant reservoir – Brazil (2010-2020)




Spectral index, NDVI, EVI, UHE, LANDSAT


The availability of Remote Sensing data has proved to be fundamental in the assessment of the daily, monthly, seasonal and annual variability of phenomena that occur on the Earth's surface. In the present study, the objective is to investigate the landscape variation during the seasonality and the precipitation regime in the surroundings of the reservoir of the Itumbiara Hydroelectric Power Plant - GO. For that, Landsat 5 (TM) and Landsat 8 (OLI) satellite images were used to evaluate the variability of vegetation indices (Enhanced Vegetation Index - EVI - and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NDVI), according to monthly, seasonal variation and annual rainfall in the period between 2010 and 2020. The data showed an unequivocal relationship between vegetation dynamics and the alternation and duration of rainy and dry periods in the study area, with greater sensitivity of the EVI, in relation to the NDVI.


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How to Cite

de Souza Silva, I. ., & Ferreira Nascimento, D. T. . (2023). Variability of vegetation spectral indexs according to rainfal regime around the Itumbiara Hydrelétic Power Plant reservoir – Brazil (2010-2020). Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 23, e7209.