Mapping riverside communities in Tefé – Amazonas – Brazil


  • Silvia Elena Ventorini Universidade Federal de São João del - Rei
  • Ana Luisa Teixeira
  • Davy Rabelo Centro de Estudos Superiores de Tefé Universidade Estado do Amazonas
  • Évelyn Márcia Pôssa
  • Múcio do Amaral Figueiredo
  • Leonardo Cristian Rocha
  • Jean Euzebio Lima Oliveira
  • Rafael Quetz
  • Paula dos Santos Silva



IGV, Crowdsourcing, OpenStreetMap, Toponyms


In the scientific literature, geospatial data on riverside communities located in Tarará Island, in the municipality of Tefé, State of Amazonas, Brazil, are scarce. The unevenness of mapping and updating information about these communities makes them invisible on official maps and generates uncertainty about their toponyms. This article presents the mapping and toponyms of these riverside communities. The methodology foundations comprise Crowdsourcing and Voluntary Geographic Information (VGI). The procedures were research, collection and analysis of cartographic data on toponyms, mapped through the OpenStreetMap Platform, and data collection in the field. The results indicate that the communities are no longer invisible in several free databases in Brazil and that, despite the discrepancies between the toponyms data in several documents, allowed the names of the 14 riverside communities located in the island to be validated.


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How to Cite

Ventorini, S. E., Teixeira, A. L., Rabelo, D., Pôssa, Évelyn M., Figueiredo, M. do A. ., Rocha, L. C., Oliveira, J. E. L. ., Quetz, R., & Silva, P. dos S. . (2023). Mapping riverside communities in Tefé – Amazonas – Brazil. Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 23, e7283.